Maximum Tactical Survival
I have known you for a few years now from having Kaylie, Thomas, Tammi, and myself in your class so I guess now is as good time as any to tell you what I really think of you. You are a true warrior in every sense of the word and it has been both a joy and privilege training under you. You are more than just a teacher, you are a brother to us all, and want all of us to achieve our personal best. The confidence, values, courage, and the drive to be the best we can be is something that will stay with all of us through life as will your perspective on the way the world is today and the direction that it is headed, people should not look at the world with blinders on and say “that would not happen to me” but prepare themselves for the possibilities.
I look forward to training with you for many years to come, CKM has been an eye opening experience for me and I feel it is one of the best systems out there to date. When we tested for CKM Level 1, I learned a few things about myself, what I could accomplish by being trained and practicing at it, where I need to improve my overall conditioning, and the fact I would not give up on myself, you, or the rest of the guys that were testing with me. Continue to fight the good fight and live by the motto “We do not live to fight we fight to live”.
Tim Quinn
Since it has been almost a year ago since I earned my Black Belt
I would like to thank you for pushing me onward and never letting me stop when I
sometimes felt I could not go on.
Your program has instilled
confidence, self esteem and discipline in myself that I never thought was
possible. The rigorous training program fully prepared me for the Black Belt
testing that I was subjected to.
I would highly recommend others to come and
participate at Maximum Self Defense as it is definitely a program that will
build self confidence and character in anyone who can accept the challenge.
personally would like to extend my gratitude to you and Melissa for all of the
help and guidance that you both provided.
Tammy Williams
I really enjoyed the Ladies Self Defense Class. It was very informative and educational. Scott Kennedy is a great instructor. He gave us a lot of "real world" information and showed us some simple but effective techniques that could be used by anyone. He and Melissa were professional but also a lot of fun while demonstrating the techniques. They presented us the information, demonstrated the technique and then gave us a chance to practice what we were taught. I came away from the class feeling more confident about protecting myself and I highly recommend it to ladies, young and old.Scott,
Sensei Kennedy,
I personally want to thank first god, for putting me and you back on the same path in the martial arts. I remember the day when you were a young man and ask me about martial arts. I inspired you to take it. Now that i am an older man and see your accomplishments, you inspired me to press forward in the martial arts. Thanks for opening the door to me in Okinawa Kenpo. It is my third style and you have taught me a lot of techniques. It is a great pleasure to know and feel the discipline, humility and self-defense and the glory of god at the beginning and end of each class. Keep up the good training.
God bless you!!!
Dexter Farmer
Marcus DeValentino