The Colon (Large Intestine) Meridian : Metal, Yang

CO 1: HANGYANG (Trade (Merchant) Yang)
On the radial side of the index finger, about 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail.

This is a metal and cheng point and is only ever used in the healing art. It clears ‘wind/heat’. It is an emergency point for coma and should be bled for this purpose; in fact, all ‘cheng’ points are bled. It will also drag qi to the extremities to strengthen the outer limbs.

CO 2: ERJIAN (Between Two)
ER means 2 and JIAN means clearance, JIAN here indicates the POINT, this is the second PT on the COLON MO. On the radial side of the index finger, distal to the metacarpophalangeal joint, at the junction of the red and white skin in the depression.

It is a water and yong point and as such can be used as a set up point for CO 5 (fire). An excellent point to relieve constipation. Should you be able to get one finger exactly onto CO 2 and also dig one finger into CO 5, this has been known to cause knock out. However, while you are doing this, he will probably knock you out!

CO 3: SANJIAN (Between Three)
SAN means three and jian means clearance, here jian indicates the POINT, this is the third POINT on the CO MO. When a loose fist is made, the PT is on the radial side of the index finger, in the depression proximal to the head of the second metacarpal bone.

Use with CO 2. It is a wood and shu point. A good strike here, if you can get it, can cause temporary blindness, however  this is very difficult to achieve.

CO 4: EGU (Adjoining Valleys)
Between the first and second metacarpal bones, approximately in the middle of the second metacarpal bone on the radial side. Roughly between the second metacarpal bone and the end of the crease created when the thumb is adducted, in the dorsal interroseus muscle, in it's deep position, in the transverse head of the abductor hallcis muscle.

This point does some damage in qi drainage and local pain. It can be used as a set up point to a LU 1 shot or to a LIV 14 shot. Struck right on the point with a smaller weapon such as a one-knuckle punch, this point will cause confusion in the brain. However, it is not easy to strike as that strike must be very accurate.

CO 5: YANGXI (Adjoining Valley)
Yang refers to the Yang mountains created by the tendons in this area, Xi means brook. The depression of this Point is like a brook in the mountains. On the radial side of the wrist, when the thumb is tilted upwards, the point is in the depression between the tendons of the extensor pollicis longus and brevis.

This is one of the ‘natural’ short out points with SI 2 that will cause great pain and allow you to put someone down onto their knees easily. Applying pressure straight across the back of the wrist diagonally will short out CO 5 and SI 2 (Fire and water respectively).

CO 6: IANLI (Partial Order)
Three cun above CO 5 on the line joining CO 5 and CO 11. On the radial side, the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve and the superficial ramus of the radial nerve, on the u1nar side, the posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve and the posterior antebrachial interosseous nerve.

This point causes great qi drainage and local pain, struck hard enough will cause knock out. Communication between the upper and lower heaters is upset greatly causing internal damage to the flow of qi.

CO 7: ENLIU (Warm Slide)
When a fist is made with the ulna side downwards and the elbow flexed, the point is 5cun above CO 5.

This is a ‘xi-cleft’ point meaning that it is an accumulation point. A strike here will cause local pain and qi drainage. It will cause pain along the whole channel and if struck hard enough can cause a knock out. Used with any of the neurological shut down points in particular No. 1 across the jaw, will cause knock out even with a mild blow. This is an excellent set up point for a CO 11 shot.

CO 8: XIALIAN (Lower Integrity)
Four cun below CO 11. XIA means inferior LIAN means edge, the Point is inferior to CO 9, on the dorsal side of the forearm close to the radial aspect.

Same as for CO 7. This is not a xi-cleft point, but it does cause a knock out when struck really hard. Use this point with LU 1 and it will enhance the shot ten fold! The whole power of the body is drained when these two points are struck slightly after each other, LU 1 first.

CO 9: SHANGLIAN (Upper Integrity)
Three cun below CO 11. Shang means superior, lian means edge, the point is superior to CO 8 on the dorsal side of the forearm, close to the radial aspect.

This strike will cause paralysis of the hand and arm. Again, if used along with LU 1, will cause such power loss that the fight is over.

CO 10: HOUSANLI (Arm's Three Measure)
Two cun below CO 11. On the radial aspect of the radius, in the extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus muscles.

Will paralyze the arm, and in some cases will stop the heart. Causes a shock wave to rise up the arm into the upper body. Will cause knock out if struck hard enough. Usually used with ST 9 for a deathblow! This point will affect the whole CO meridian, especially around the arm, neck and face, hence the fact that ST 9 works really well with this point. When struck slightly upwards, the lower body will lose qi with nausea. When struck slightly downwards (down the forearm towards the fingers), the bowels may work on the spot! When struck straight in, the lower abdomen will go into spasm, the arm becomes paralyzed and there may be residual diarrhea for a number of days.

CO 11: UCHI (Crooked Pool)
When the elbow is flexed, the point is in the depression at lateral the end of the transverse cubital crease, midway between LU 5 and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. On the radial aspect of the elbow at the origin of the extensor carpi radialis muscle and the radial side of the brachioradialis muscle.

This is a major point as it is an ‘earth and he’ point. This normally calms and regulates the whole system but when struck using negative qi, it will have the reverse effect. Not only will the elbow joint be damaged as a result of purely physical damage, but the whole joint system of the body can be made weaker. The point also can cause diarrhea and vomiting.   However, you must be aware that you may also damage your own hand on the target elbow! So use a palm strike here.

CO 12: HOULIAO (Elbow Seam)
When the elbow is flexed, the point is superior to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, around 1cun superolaterai to CO 11, on the medial border of the humerus at the origin of the anconeus muscle and the lateral margin of the triceps muscle. Zhou means elbow and Liao means foramen, the point is at the elbow close to the foramen.

Great qi drainage when struck downwards into the elbow. This point is struck with the knife-edge of the palm which strikes with the palm facing slightly downwards and then rolls over to palm up as it strikes, thus causing more of a cutting action on the point. This point works so well that not many will be able to continue after being struck here.

CO 13: HOUWULI (Five Measures on the Arm)
Superior to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, 3cun above CO 11, on the line connecting CO 11 with CO 15.

This point is more of a nerve point strike which inflicts great pain and nervous shock. The pain will grow very quickly until the recipient has to give up because of this pain. This strike does not have to be that hard either, although a hard strike will impose the greatest pain.

CO 14: BINAO (Arm and Scapula)
On the radial side of the humerus, superior to the lower end of the deltoid muscle, on the line connecting CO 11 to CO 15. BI means arm and Nao means muscle prominence of the arm, thus this PT is on the muscle prominence of the arm.

This point strike causes great qi damage to the whole body being one of the ‘seven star’ points. The seven star points (GV20, CO 14 x 2, SI 16 x 2, and GB 30 x 2) are those which take energy in from the outside, they are used in qigong stances as qi input points. A strike to CO 14 will cause energy to be blocked from entering the body and cause weakness and extreme emotional problems caused by the mind not knowing quite what has gone wrong, but that something really bad has happened.

CO 15: JIANYU (Shoulder Bone)
Anteroinferior to the acromion, in the middle of the upper portion of the deltoid muscle. When the arm is in full abduction, the point is in the anterior depression of the two depressions appearing at the anterior border of the acromioclavicular joint. Jian means shoulder and Yu means corner, the PT is at the corner of the shoulder.

Not a great qi damage point, it is more used for healing. However, a good hard strike here will cause the shoulder to either break or to be dislocated. Therefore, it is a good physical shot.

CO 16: JUGU (Great Bone)
In the upper aspect of the shoulder, in the depression between the acromial extremity of the clavicle and the scapular spine. In the trapezium and supraspinatus muscles. Ju means huge and Gu means bone, the clavicle was called JUGU in ancient times.

Great qi drainage and physical damage to the clavicle. This point must be struck very hard though. It is difficult to strike the exact spot and so  use a larger weapon such as a palm strike and hope for the best. Although a thumb knuckle punch is the best weapon for this point.

CO 17: TIANDING (Heaven's Vessel)
On the lateral side of the neck, superior to the midpoint of the supraclavicular fossa (ST 12), around 1cun below CO 18, on the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoideus muscle. Tian means heaven and ding is the term used by the ancient Chinese for a cooking vessel with 2 loop handles, here Tian implies upper and the head looks like a Ding (WOK).

This point is one of the most dangerous points which when struck will cause death. The blood will be blocked, the qi will be blocked and the brain will be shocked. Not even CPR will revive a strike here.

CO 18: FUTU (Support the Prominence)
On the lateral side of the neck, level with the tip of the Adam's apple, between the sternal head and the clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoideus muscle. FU means side and tu means prominence, here, ‘tu’ refers to the prominence of the larynx as the PT is beside it.

This is again one of the most deadly points to strike, it is close to ST 9 so you could easily strike both points simultaneously causing death immediately with no chance of revival! Do not play around with this point as even a light blow will cause great damage!

CO 19: ELIAO (Grain Seam)
Directly below the lateral margin of the nostril, level with GV 26, in the fossa canini of the superior maxilla, at the junction of the quadratus labii superioris muscle. The point is also called KOUHELIAO, KOU means mouth, he means grain, liao means foramen (the grain / food enters the stomach through the mouth), this PT is in the foramen above the mouth.

This is a shock point. It will cause the recipient to go into shock. A hard strike will cause knock out. Usually a backwards (palm upwards) thumb knuckle punch is used here.

CO 20: INGXIANG (Welcome Fragrance)
In the nasolabial groove, at the level of the midpoint of the lateral border of the ala nasil in the quadratus labii superior muscle, in it's deep position at the border of the apertura piriformis.

This point is in such a position on the cheekbone that it will cause knock out. It is not a death point, but will suffice to stop an argument.

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