The Heart Meridian: Fire, Yin

HT 1: IQUAN (Summit's Spring)
In the center of the axilla, on the medial side of the axillary artery, at the lateral , inferior margin of the pectorals major muscle and in it's deep position the point lies in the coracobrachialis muscle

This is one of the most dangerous heart points as it will stop the heart instantly with a medium to heavy strike. The point is right over the top of the ‘axillary artery’ and as such great artery damage is also done when this point is struck.   Brain function is also affected, speech is impaired and mental activity in general is severely affected. The emotional state of the recipient is also damaged greatly. This is all on top of immediate shoulder damage as well. This point is traditionally used to cure ‘frozen shoulder’ because of its ability to clear both external and internal qi of the meridian.

HT 2: INGLING (Youthful Spirit)
When the elbow is flexed, the point is 3 cun above the medial end of the transverse cubital crease, (HT 3), in the groove medial to the biceps brachii.

This point will slow the heart rate sufficiently to make his feel really ill. This point is also an excellent nerve point strike affecting the whole arm and sending a shock wave into the upper body. Knock out has been affected using this point.

HT 3: HAOHAI (Lesser Sea)
When the elbow is flexed, the point is at the medial end of the transverse cubital crease, in the depression anterior to the medial epicondyle of the humerus, in the pronator teres and the brachialis muscles.

This is one of the more dangerous points. It stops the heart. It is a ‘water and He Sea point’. It will have the immediate action of stopping the heart and damaging the tendon (nervous) system. Usually used to treat, among other things, stress, depression and emotional disturbances, this strike will also have the reverse effect causing long term nervous and emotional disorders. This strike will unbalance the yin/yang relationship throughout the whole body. Someone who has been struck here and who has not been treated, will have a complexion like someone who has smoked all of their lives. Like, someone who is supposed to be 35 years old but who looks like 65 years old! This strike also works very well with the ‘mind’ point on the chin. Someone is put out to it very easily with a light slap on this point after HT 3 has been struck. If struck in a proximal way, will cause high blood pressure. If struck straight in will cause the heart to weaken over a period.

HT 4: INGDAO (Spirit's Path)
On the radial side of the tendon of the muscle flexor carp! ulnaris, 1.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist when the palm faces upwards.

This is a metal and jing point, usually used for ‘local’ problems In the healing area. It adds fire to the heart and causes high blood pressure immediately.

HT 5: ONGLI (Reaching the measure)
When the palm faces upwards, the point is on the radial side of the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, 1 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor digitorum superficialis manus muscle, in it's deep position, in the flexor digitorum sublimis muscle.

This is a classic qi drainage point and works very well as a set up point strike. This point is used in acupuncture when qi drainage is called for. In fact acupuncturists will not work this point too hard as it could cause knock out from qi drainage. Works very well with TH 12. This strike will weaken the elbow greatly.

HT 6: INXI (Yin Accumulation)
On the radial side of the tendon of flexor carp! ulnaris muscle, 0.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist.

HT 4,5,6&7 are very close to each other and as such it is difficult only to get one. So, it is common that all four points are attacked at once with a grabbing and shaking motion. This will cause great qi loss and immobilisation, just before a more dangerous attack to ST 9 for instance. HT 6 is the Xi-cleft point. If struck all be itself, it said to cause madness and weaken the heart.

HT 7: HENMEN (Spirit's Door)
On the transverse crease of the wrist, in the articular region between the pisform bone and the ulna, in the depression on the radial side of the tendon of the muscle flexor carpi ulnaris.

This point has a great effect upon the shen or spirit. It is an Earth, Yuan and Shu point. This strike damages the shen’s emotional control over the whole system. The ‘fire’ element is totally unbalanced causing too much heat to enter the system. The whole system is emotionally unstable and tense.

HT 8: HAOFU (Lesser Residence)
On the palmar surface, between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones. When the hand is supine and the fingers cupped in a half fist, this point is found on the palm just below the tip of the little finger. Between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones, in the 4th lumbrical muscle and the tendon of the flexor digitorum sublimis muscle, in it's deep position in the interosseous muscle.

This point also upsets the shen and the emotional stability.  It is a fire and yong point and when struck upsets the heart qi, so the heart is damaged. As a sideline, this point strike will upset the body time clock showing symptoms of jet lag! It can also be used to combat jet lag in the healing sense.

HT 9: HAOCHONG (Lesser Pouring)
On the radial side of the little finger, about O.l cun posterior to the corner of the nail

Although this point works very well, it is difficult to get to without opening yourself to an attack. It is usually used in the healing area as an emergency point or revival point. It is a ‘wood and cheng’ point. It has to be struck very hard to work not as a healing point, so even if you do attack this point, you could help the attacker, not hurt him! If struck really hard, this point will shock the heart for a moment to enable you to get in with another strike. Not a point to use in a tight situation. An excellent heart healing point though.

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