s an emergency point KD 1's powers are great. It releases stored qi to the body, thus causing a kind of kick start. If for instance a person has received a strike or has been involved in a motor accident and is dead and CPR is not working, it is probably because the trauma to the system has been so great that the body’s qi has been drained leaving none to start the heart and respiratory functions. KD 1 is like having an extra battery in your car when the main one has failed. You can get at this stored qi by applying a very hard one knuckle punch to KD 1 or by sticking something sharp into the point causing it to bleed. Then go back and try the CPR There have been instances where this method has worked in starting the heart, only to have the patient die later because the trauma was just too great. KD 2: RANGU (Burning Valley)NOTE: DSSI has received authorization from Master Montaigue to display the above information. Any other reproduction or use is strictly prohibited. More information can be found at Master Montaigue's website by clicking Here