The Liver Meridian: Wood, Yin

LIV 1: Dadun (Large Hill) or (Great Honesty)
On the lateral aspect of the dorsum of the big toe, 0.1 cun proximal to the corner of the nail.

LIV 1 is a "wood and cheng" point. The liver is in charge of sending qi out to all areas. It also controls the defense of the body. A stomp onto the big toe not only produces great local pain, but also damages this ability to send the qi out. Therefore, although a stomp on the toe may sound quite innocuous, it can impair health long after the stomp was done. Immediately though, it has the power to immobilise the attacker as it is an energy drainage point. So this point would be used mainly as a set up point. Used with LIV 13 will cause great internal damage as well as qi damage immediately and will cause death when LIV 13 is struck hard. LIV 1 stomped all by itself will cause nausea.

LIV 2: Xingjian (Active Interval) or (Walk Between)
On the web between the big and second toes slightly closer to the big toe.

This is a "fire and yong" point. (Yong meaning spring or stream point). Used for healing this point eliminates fire and soothes the liver. Used to damage, it causes fire in the liver, thus irritating it greatly. The recipient will feel very angry, so much so that he is overwhelmed with "feelings" so that he is unable to carry on with the confrontation. Local pain and qi drainage.

LIV 3: Taichong (Supreme Assault) or (Great Pouring)
On the dorsum of the foot, between the ossa metatarsal 1 & 2 in the depression posterior to the art, metatarso-phalangae. A very sore spot just up from LIV 2 between the big and second toes slightly towards the big toe.

This is an "earth, shu and yuan point". (Yuan qi means, ancestral energy. A yuan point is that which draws upon ancestral qi. "Shu" meaning transporting. It is a collective name for the five welling stream points). A strike right on LIV 3 will immediately immobilise the attacker. The local pain is just too much and great qi drainage occurs. A feeling of drainage right up to the forehead is felt. This strike causes the recipient to feel totally "out of it" disorientated etc.

LIV 4: Zhongfeng (Middle Seal)
1 cun anterior to the medial malleous, midway between SP 5 and ST 41, in the depression on the medial side of the tendon of Tibialis anterior. Above the tubercle of the navicular, medial to the anterior Tibialis tendon.

This point is relatively difficult to get to, however, the effect is almost the same as a kick to the groin. Local pain and ankle damage. This point will stop a fight if the strike is hard enough. It can also be used as a set up strike to a groin shot, or for a LIV 14 shot.

LIV 5: Tigou (Worm Eater's Groove)
5 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus, on the medial aspect near the medial border of the Tibia. One third of the length from the tip of the malleolus to the mid point of the Knee.

Firstly, nausea is felt. Then cramping of the abdomen. If the strike is hard enough, other muscles will also cramp up. It is enough to stop the fight. Liver damage will also occur later in life, so do not play around with this point!

LIV 6: Foot ZHONGDU (Middle Metropolis)
Seven cun above the medial malleus, or 2 cun above LIV 5, on the medial aspect near the border of the Tibia.

This is a Xie Cleft point so it is an accumulation point for qi. Striking this point will cause local pain as well as causing muscle spasm in the leg. Struck right on the point will cause nausea with an energy drainage. Struck hard enough will cause the person to have to sit down to recover. So this is a good point to strike to when you just want to stop the situation and not really do that much damage.

LIV 7: XIGUAN (Knee's Hinge)
Posterior and inferior to the medial Condyle of the Tibia, in the upper portion of the medial head of the Gastrocnemious, I cun posterior to SP 9.

Great local pain when struck correctly. The pain will rise into the ears and cause loss of balance. This is an excellent set up point for any major attack. It can be accessed either with the foot or by finger pressure when in a grappling type situation.

LIV 8: QUQUAN "Crooked Spring"
On the medial side of the Knee joint, when then Knee is flexed, the point is above the medial end of the transverse popliteal crease, posterior to the medial condyle of the Tibia, on the Anterior border of the insertion of Semimbranosus & Semitendinous.

This is a water point that cools the system. Striking to this point will cause the opposite effect of heating the system greatly. This will cause things like a great nauseous feeling. It will also hinder the circulating qi in the liver channel. It will have an immediate affect upon the liver causing it to ‘heat up’ which will cause imbalance in the body.

LIV 9: YINBAO (Yin's Wrapping)
4 cun above the medial epicondial of the Femur, between Vastus Medialis & Satorius.

This point is a common knock out point that can be used effectively by most people with little knowledge.

LIV 10: ZUWULI (Five Measures of the Foot)
Location 3 cun below ST 30, on the lateral border of Abductor Longus, 1 cun below LIV 11.

This is an excellent set up point for one of the common knock out shots. It will cause local pain and drains qi, thus putting the body into sleep mode. Struck hard enough it could have an immediate affect upon the eyes, causing the signals to be confused.

LIV 11: YINLIAN (Yin's Modest)
2 cun below ST 30, on the lateral border of Abductor Longus, On the medial border of the thigh.

This point is interesting because it has also an affect upon the spleen. It will cause the legs and even the arms to become weak, it has even been known to cause the recipient to fall down when this point is struck alone because of leg weakness. The brain will also suffer, scattered thoughts etc.

LIV 12: JIMAI (Urgent Pulse)
Inferior and Lateral to the pubic symphysis, 2.5 cun lateral to the CV CHANNEL, at the inguinal groove lateral & inferior to ST 30.

This point has a strong affect upon the genitals and when one is struck here, it feels like a strike to the groin and is as good as. It is easier to get to than the groin as well. Struck hard enough, this point can kill. A light to medium shot will cause the genitals to bleed. Internal physical damage is caused to the tendons and muscles at this area. It also has an affect upon the tantien, and will cause the qi flow to the whole body to become erratic for a while. A good point to strike along with this point, although not a set up point, is GB 24. The affect is devastating when both are struck.

LIV 13: Zhangmen (System's Door)
On the lateral side of the abdomen, below the free end of the 11th rib, when the arm is bent at the elbow and held against the side, the point is roughly located at the tip of the elbow. This point is in the internal and external oblique muscles.

Great physical damage is done here as well as great electrical damage. This is one of the more dangerous points.   The spleen is easily ruptured with this strike. Can cause emotional disturbances later in life. Liver is also immediately affected, so liver and spleen damage, thus this point’s dangerous nature.

LIV 14: QIMEN (Expectation's Door)
On the mamillary line, 2 ribs below the nipple, in the 6th intercostal space. This point is 6 cun above the navel & 3.5 cun lateral to GV 14, near the medial end of the 6th intercostal space in the internal and external oblique muscles and the aponeurosis of the transverse abdominal muscle.

This point is used greatly in the martial arts because it is so deadly and relatively easy to get at. It will cause mind problems, heart problems, like stopping it! It can cause the lungs to collapse. Can cause the liver to stop functioning. Even a light strike here will cause damage. Knock out will occur mainly because the recipient is dead! When ‘sliced’ across the body from outside to inside, will cause great emotional problems and energy drainage. Stops the qi for a moment. Blindness can occur instantly or later. Hence, this is one of the ‘delayed death touch points’.

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