1: ZHONGFU (Central Residence)
ZHONG means middle and FU means place, this is referring to the
middle jiao where the LUNG channel starts. The QI of the SP / ST are
gathered into the LU MO at this point. The point is below the
acromial extremity of the clavicle, 1 cun (prounounced "tsun"),
directly below LU 2, 6cun lateral to the CV MO, in the first
intercostal space. In the pectoralis major and minor muscles, in
it's deep position, in the internal and external intercostal
The lung points all do great damage. LU 1 must be struck with a
smaller weapon such as a one-knuckle punch. Great qi drainage and
thus great local pain which will slowly spread over the whole chest
area due to this point’s connection to SP 21. A strike here will
hinder the progress of ‘GU qi’, that which is made from food and
liquid. So apart from the immediate effect of extreme pain in the
whole chest area, the long term effect will be that the gu qi will
not be produced and although the recipient is taking food, the qi
from that food is going nowhere and so health and lifestyle are
slowly diminished.
2: UNMEN (Cloud's
the depression below the acromial extremity of the clavicle, between
the pectoralis major and the deltoid muscles, six cun lateral to the
CV channel.
When this point is struck upwards into the clavicle it produces a devastating affect upon the qi system of the whole body. The pain is tremendous and qi drainage also. Great internal damage can be done with little external appearance. This will cause a knock out or even death through qi drainage.
When the point is struck from the top above the clavicle, the collarbone will be broken along with the qi drainage and even more pain! However, because the collarbone is able to take some of the pressure from this strike, even though it breaks, the likelihood of death is lessened. The downward strike will stop a confrontation really fast though.
3: IANFU (Heaven's
On the medial aspect of the upper arm, 3 cun below the end of the
auxiliary fold, on the radial side of the biceps brachii, 6 cun above
LU 5.
Immediately there is like an electrical shock that goes up and down the arm causing momentary or long lasting paralysis of the arm. Being a ‘window of the sky’ point it will also upset totally, the balance between ‘heaven and earth’ or head and body causing great emotional problems that will only get worse if left untreated. Emotionally caused problems such as confusion and loss of memory will occur at a later stage. This strike will also give an extreme case of instant vertigo!
At a healing level, this point is a really good one for nosebleed, using finger pressure mildly over the point on both arms.
4: XIABAI (Gallantry)
XIA means to press from both sides, Bai means white, when both arms
are hanging freely, this point is precisely on both sides of the
LUNGS. On the medial aspect of the upper arm, 1 cun below LU 3, on
the radial side of the biceps brachii.
This point immediately does the same as LU 3 only the local pain and electrical shock is a little worse. This is also a great nerve strike which can cause the brain to shut down the body, not knowing what has happened. Emotional problems will also occur later, but not as severe as for LU 3.
5: CHIZE (Cubit
CHI means ruler or ulna, ZE means marsh, the CHI part of the
name refers to the ulna aspect (from the wrist to the elbow). The
point is in the depression of the elbow fossa at the ulna aspect.
The QI of the channel is infused here, like water flowing into a
marsh. On the cubital crease, on the radial side of the tendon of
the biceps brachii. The point is located with the elbow slightly
flexed. Located in the origin of the brachioradialis muscle.
This point can cause great damage to the whole system. It can cause knock out when struck with for instance a back-palm and using a ‘dead arm’. This is where the arm is totally loose with no tension at all and is thrown at the target making use of the heaviness of the arm itself. It can be used as I have already mentioned several times, as a set up point, or it can be used all by itself as a devastating strike. The whole upper body is put out of balance both physically and qi wise. A strong strike can also cause brain damage. Because this point is a ‘he’ point, when struck rather than used for healing, it will take qi away from the lungs. In addition, as the lungs are part of the power system of the body, you will lose power instantly.
6: ONGZUI (Opening
Maximum or Supreme Hole)
On the palmar aspect of the forearm, on the line joining LU 9 to LU
5, 7 cun above LU 9. The point is in the brachioradialis muscle, in
the lateral margin at the upper extremity of the pronator teres
muscle and the medial margin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis
and longus muscles.
Lower arm paralysis is immediate with a hard strike. The recipient will feel like he has been struck in the lungs. This is a xi-cleft point. A strike here causes the reverse effect of healing using this point. It is an emergency point and can release much needed qi to the lungs in an emergency such as being struck in the lungs. So this point can be used as an after shot, after striking the attacker in the lung area. The body calls for its reserve of qi, but it is unavailable because of the second strike to LU 6! The recipient to such a strike could die within minutes.
7: IEQUE (Broken
Sequence or Every Deficiency)
Superior to the styloid process of the radius, 1.5 cun above the
transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression. When the index
fingers and the thumbs of both hands are crossed with the index
finger of one hand placed on the styloid process of the radius of
the other, the point is in the depression under the tip of the index
finger. Between the tendons of the brachioradialis and the abductor
pollicis longus muscles.
Although this strike is ‘only on the wrist’, it is quite a nasty one as it creates great pain and qi drainage. Even heavy finger pressure here as is the case of a lock, will cause great pain. The qi drainage and pain are so bad that the recipient has to sit down. A strike here will unbalance the balance of yin and yang between the lung and colon causing artificial grief with much sobbing. Also, the ability to learn physical things will be impaired and will get worse as time goes by.
8: INGQU (Across
the Ditch)
One cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression
on the radial side of the radial artery. Innervation: The lateral
antebrachial cutaneous nerve and the superficial ramus of the radial
Great qi drainage, thus setting up other points for attack. HT 5 by itself has been known to cause knock out when needled too much, same for LU 8. LU 8 is a metal and jing point. This is the horary point of the channel and as such when struck will cause the qi to be disrupted in the channel when it is supposed to be active during the 24-hour cycle. Thus, the lungs will not be at their peak throughout the day. This qi imbalance will get worse as each day passes until a healing is affected. Sleep will be affected greatly especially between the hours of 3 am and 5 am with the need to urinate because the bladder meridian is at the opposite side of the horary cycle and as such will have the least amount of qi available to it at this time.
9: AIYUAN (Great
Abyss or Bigger Deep Hole)
At the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression on the
radial side of the radial artery. At the lateral aspect of the
tendon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle and the medial aspect of
the tendon of the abductor pollicis longus muscle.
This is again a great qi drainage point. It is an ‘earth, yuan and shu’ point and a special meeting point of pulse (arteries and veins). This point must be struck right on the point so it is not a goog point to use in a tight situation, although it works quite well as a set up point causing great local pain and qi drainage. It will cause respiration to become erratic causing the recipient to think he is going to be suffocated.
10: UJI (Fish
On the radial aspect of the midpoint of the first metacarpal bone,
at the junction of the red and white skin (the lighter colored and
darker colored skin). In the lateral abductor pollicis brevis and
opponens pollicis muscles.
This is not a point to use in a realistic fighting situation. If struck very hard, it will cause heat to rise in the lungs causing coughing. It is more of a healing point this one and is used to eliminate heat from the lungs thus easing sore throats etc. It is a fire and yong point.
11: HAOSHANG (Lessor
On the radial side of the thumb, about 0.1 cun posterior to the
radial corner of the nail.
This is a wood and cheng point and can be used for muscles and tendons, the healing of. If struck with perhaps a hammer, it will drain qi from the upper body and can cause emotional problems later in life. It is more used for throat and tonsils in particular. It is also used to increase the Wei qi to the surface of the skin when external pathogenic attack is imminent.
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