The Pericardium Meridian: Fire, Yin

PC 1: TIANCHI (Heaven's Pool)
1 cun lateral to the nipple, in the 4th intercostal space.

Tian means heaven, Chi means pool, the Pt is lateral to the breast and the milk secreted from the breast is like nectar from a heavenly pool.

PC 1 is one of those points that will affect the heart no matter if it struck on left or right side. It will also have an affect upon the lungs causing coughing and an itchy feeling in the neck. It will drain qi from the heart and lungs thus causing great damage to the whole system. It is a ‘mu’ point of the pericardium meaning that it is an alarm point. Tenderness here usually means that something is wrong with the organ. When it is struck, there WILL be tenderness. It is also a ‘window of the sky point’ thus will have an effect upon the emotions. Used with SP 17, this is a devastating double point strike causing great internal damage with little or no external damage and can be used in cases where one does not wish to show physical damage! Death can occur when this combination is struck and a cause of death is often hard to come by other than heart attack. This is not a point to play around with in demonstration! This point has also been known to affect the kidneys as well.

PC 2: TIANQUAN (Heaven's Spring)
2 cun below the end of the anterior axillary fold, between the two heads of the biceps brachii muscle.

Again, this point will also affect the heart and can be used in conjunction with LU 3 in a claw type of grab to cause great qi disruption and drainage.  Local pain and nerve damage is also apparent. The strike to PC 2 can sometimes takes your breath away with the recipient exhaling and ‘sinking’ at the same time.

PC 3: QUZE (Crooked Marsh)
On the transverse cubital crease, at the u1nar side of the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle. Qu means curve and Ze means marsh, the QI of the meridian infuses into the shallow depression of the elbow like water flowing into a marsh.

This is a ‘water and He point’. It will have an effect upon the heart and intestines. It will add heat to the heart causing long term medical effects such as cold sores on the mouth and lips, too much talking about nothing etc. It will also affect the emotions, especially later in life.

Here we have a triple strike is you also strike to HT 3 and LU 5 resulting in an extreme qi drainage strike which would stop the heart and the lungs from working. So these three points are not to be played around with! All by itself, PC 3 will drain energy and affect the heart when struck downwards towards the wrist direction. It will affect the lungs when struck slightly upwards in the opposite direction. All three points can be accessed with a knife edge strike straight across the lower upper arm on the inside just above the elbow joint angled slightly downwards to get at LU 5 as well. The triple strike is far more effective than using one or two of these points together.

PC 4: XIMEN (Gate of the Crevice)
5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, on the line connecting PC 3, to PC 7, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis muscles, in the flexor digitorumsuperficialis manus muscle. In it's deep position in the flexor digitorum sublimus muscle.

This point will affect the heart especially if the recipient has an angina problem. In this case the heart will stop immediately. In the case of a normal healthy person, it will cause the heart to become weak, opening it up to external pathogenic attack which will break through the pericardium easily.

The strike is made more effective if PC 5 & 6 are also included. PC 4 is a Xie-cleft point which will cause the heart to become tense and beat faster for no reason causing high blood pressure. It also has an effect upon the she or spirit.

PC 5: JIANSHI (Intermediary)
3 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of the muscles palmaris longus and flexor carpii radialis, in the flexor digitorum superficialis manus muscle. In it's deep position in the flexor digitorum sublimis muscle.

This is a metal and jing point. It will have an effect upon the mind, causing it to become scattered and tense verging upon mental illness. The heart will also be affected adversely. The ‘heart/lung’ balance will be disturbed thus draining qi and causing great weakness. Used with PC 6 and PC 4 this point has the potential to stop the heart! Digestion will also be effected greatly.

PC6 EIGUAN (Inner Gate)
2 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis muscles, in the flexor digitorum superficialis manus muscle. In it's deep position in the flexor digitorum sublimis muscle. Nei means pass and Guan means pass, this point is an important site on the medial aspect of the forearm, like a pass.

This is one of the best set up points and is used a great deal in kyusho and healing. It is a ‘luo’ point and a master point for Yin Wei-Mai and a coupled point of Chong Mai. When struck, it will upset the yin/yang balance in the body causing confusion internally, it can cause mental illness in the most or mental instability and confusion in the least. It is one of the best qi drainage points. This point is usually struck using a violent grab or a strike. It can be incorporated into wrist locks using the fingers to dig into the point making the lock much easier firstly to get on and to hold. This strike will cause great internal activity for no reason, so the heart will race for no reason, the lungs will try and take in more air for no reason etc.

PC 7: DALING (Big Tomb)
Location In the depression in the middle of the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis muscles, and in the flexor hallucis longus muscle and the tendon of the flexor digitorum sublimis muscle. Da means big or large and Ling means tomb or mould, the protrusion of the palmar root is quite large, like a mould and the Point is in the depression of the wrist proximal to it.

This is an earth, yuan and shu point. A strike here will have an immediate effect upon the heart, shocking it sufficiently to enable a more deadly strike. So this point is used as a set up point to other meridians such as the heart. It will cause to much heat in the heart.

PC 8: LAOGONG (Labor's Palace)
When the hand is placed palm upwards, the point is between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones, proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint, on the radial side of the 3rd metacarpal bone. With the fingers cupped in the palm in a half fist, this point can be found in front of the tip of the middle finger between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones. Below the point are the aponeurosis, the 2nd lumbrical and the superficial and deep tendons of the flexor digitorum muscles, in it's deep position are the origin of the transverse head of the adductor hallucis muscle and the interossei muscle. Lao means labor and Gong means center, the hand is for labor so here Lao refers to the hand. The point is in the center of the palm

A fire and yong point. When this point is struck, it heats the heart. When used in healing, it cools the heart. This point is however, more known as the point where the qi emanates from, either for the healing or for the martial arts. This is where the qi comes from when we put in either healing qi or disruptive qi. The hand can be open or closed, it doesn’t matter, the qi still comes from this point. It can also be used as a ‘balancing’ point for when we do ‘meridian balancing’ on someone to balance the yin/yang energy in the body. This point on only the left hand is held over the ‘earth’ point on each meridian and then the other PC 8 is rubbed down the length of the meridian.

PC 9: ZHONGCHONG (Middle Pouring)
In the center of the tip of the middle finger. Another location is 0.1 cun from the base of the middle fingernail on the radial side.

If you were to bang yourself on the longest finger, you might experience some heat in the heart (anger etc.) Which will cause you to jump around a bit and sprout profanities. This is a healing point, and I would not use it in a self defense application. It is a wood and cheng point and therefore is used in emergency treatments such as coma and is usually bled.

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